September 21, 2010

SOOC Vs. Edits

Here’s my first attempt at showing my SOOC images (straight out of camera) vs. how I edit them. I try really hard not to go overboard with editing. I try and keep it clean and simple…. no muss no fuss (no crazy actions). I know lots of photographers batch edit, and can do lots of steps at once…. I don’t. I open each image separately and edit them each to my liking…. some may say that’s not efficient, but for now, for me, it works. so on to the good stuff…. #1Emma Rae, 10 months, Wake Forest UniversityD70050mm 1.4 lens Settings:f/1.81/640 s.ISO: 200 What did I do? Up blacks to 7Up contrast +39Up clarity +15Up Saturation +6Curves:Lights +8Darks +4Shadows +13 Luminance:Red +30Magenta +59Purple +40 Lightened eyes with adjustment brush looked too warm so I used the underwater filter at 2% density #2Scott, College Senior, Davidson CollegeD70050mm 1.4 lens Settings:f/21/125 sISO: 200 What did I do?Up blacks to 15Increase exposure by +0.30Clarity +13 Luminance:Red +10Orange -6 Spot Healing Brush on imperfections
September 19, 2010


I had the privilege of meeting Scott last Wednesday. He’s from New York,  a senior at Davidson College and biology major looking to get in to grad school. He needed a few quick photos for his application, so we strolled through the very scenic college campus. I got there a little early, and wanted to take some photos of their mascot, the Wildcat! Then I met Scott, an easy going, easy to chat with guy…. Congratulations on taking this next step in life, Scott! We wish you all the best 🙂
September 14, 2010

Ready for Vacation!!!

In just a few short weeks we’ll be boarding a plane for Miami, then 4 days later, a ship for the Caribbean! We’re both SO excited to leave the real world behind for a few days and just have a good time relaxing together.  About 2 months ago I discovered I’d made a costly error, regarding my new last name. See, I booked our cruise back in March with my new married name, knowing I would change my passport in time to get it for free (you have 12 months to do so)….. but in all my excitement I failed to realize you have 12 months from your passport issue date….. not 12 months from the time you change your name…… June 2010 had come and gone…. my 12 month mark passed right before my eyes.  So, in an effort to save a few bucks I decided to order the new passport card instead of getting the book. It’s only $30, but is only good for traveling to Canada, Mexico and out of the country by ship.  As I shuffled through todays mail, I was thrilled to find my little card waiting for me! ……. and believe it or not, I felt good about how I looked the day this mugshot was taken…. hair curled, makeup done…. and yet, it still looks like I’ve gained about 45lbs and have no color in my skin or hair…. not sure if they were trying to make me appear that I’ve been dead for weeks, but they did a good job if that’s the look they were going for! Anyway….. can’t wait to head out on vacation and celebrate our first wedding anniversary!!!!